Protein can be termed as the mechanical structure of our muscles. Muscles require amino acids for repair and growth and for maintaining a sound health that keeps one fit always. It is understandably so given the fact that many people who engage in fitness and muscle building ask a common question when it comes to the choice of meals, namely what kind of foods are rich in proteins. As promised today, it is time for top 10 protein containing foods that are highly beneficial in the muscle building process.
1. Chicken Breast
Chicken breast is the lean and cheap source of protein. There are as many as 31 grams of proteins per 100 grams of meat. Chicken breast also has low fat content and major nutrients such as vitamin B, iron and zinc. Paltering chicken breast into your diets will go a long way in aiding the growth of muscle mass and recovery time after working out.
2. Lean Ground Beef
The second source is the lean ground beef, which must be at least 90% lean, is also useful in building muscular tissues in the human body. Thus, it comprises approximately 22grams of protein per 100 grams of meat. Ground beef also provides the body with Iron, Vitamin ‘B’12 and Zinc. Eating nutrient-dense lean ground beef is ideal for building muscles and body tissues thus it is preferred by body builders and athletes.
3. Greek Yogurt
Greek yogurt is a highly useful and an enriched protein food item. One hundred grams of the yogurt contains approximately 20 grammes of protein. Greek yogurt also contains calcium and is also a source of probiotics that help to improve the digestive system. Greek yogurt can be had plain or it can be incorporated in smoothies or be used in oatmeal breads or any other recipe that requires a touch of protein.
4. Cottage Cheese
Another source of protein rich food is cottage cheese, which - contains about 11 grams of protein per 100 grams. It is also low in fat and has essential nutrients for instance selenium, phosphorus and vitamin B12. They can also be used in salads, sandwiches or put into a blender to be part of a smoothie or consumed alone.
5. Eggs
They are a good example of some prohibited or limited food in some healthy diets and for a right good reason. They hold roughly 12 grams of protein per egg and also are packed with lots of nutrients, for instance, the B vitamin, iron and zinc. Eggs can also be very useful in building muscles and help in the recolvering process once one has done their exercises. There are different ways that you could cook eggs namely boiled, poached, scrambled and omelet.
6. Salmon
Salmon is a rich source of; protein and is particularly a source of omega 3 fatty acids that are good for the heart. It has a protein content of about 25 percent on fresh weight basis that is on a dry mater basis, it has about 50 percent. Another nutrient that salmon has lots of is vitamin B12, vitamin D and selenium. Muscle development, improved heart condition, and sharpened brains are some of the benefits of taking salmon products.
7. Turkey Breast
Turkey breast is very rich in proteins: for each 100 grams of the product, tens grams of the protein. It also has very low fat content and has other important nutrients such as the B vitamins, niacin and zinc. Turkey breast contains nutrients that can complement muscle building and repair of damaged muscles after workouts.
8. Tuna
Tuna is yet another fish, which contains high protein, low-fat content and good amount of omega-3 fatty acid. For instance it has 30grams of protein per 100grams of the product. Tuna also contains further amounts of vitamin B12, niacin, and selenium. Tuna is a good source for muscles and has health benefits such as improving the health of hearts.
9. Lentils
Lentils are grains in the legumes family; it is a good protein from plant sources. They provide roughly 9 % protein and 100 grams of it in particular. Lentils also because of high amounts of fiber, iron, and potassium. Lentils have benefits in energetic laws such as muscular growth, heart and blood glucose use.
10. Quinoa
Quinoa is an excellent source of protein and it is a grain, the extent of protein is roughly 4.4 gms per 100 grams. It also contains a good amount of fibre, magnesium and phosphorus. Quinoa is used in a lot of meals, including salads and side dishes, and even in some baked products.
Consumption of foods with protein is the only way of building muscles and have them replenished in the shortest time possible. Here are the 10 top muscle building foods: Chicken breast, lean ground beef, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, eggs, salmon, turkey breast tuna, lentils and quinoa. When added into your diet program for the meal and snack, then these foods will play a vital role in muscle building as well as repair.