The main aim of any fitness program is to enhance the muscle tone, muscle mass and general health of the body. For this to happen we need to balance a set of measures integrated, together: a correct nutrition and physical training. Recovery meals are even more important because most of the muscle rebuilding, repairing and growth occurs in the initial hours after training. Hence, selection of the most appropriate meal that favours muscular repair and health boostage is pivotal. In this article I will be analyzing the popular post workout meals that enhance your muscle recovery, improve your performance and assist you in getting goal achieving muscles.
1. High Protein Chicken and Brown Rice
A good example of foods that enable muscle build up after the exercise is chicken because it is rich in protein and brown rice because it is a source of fiber. This meal provide a proper balance of nutrients required for an athlete to perform optimally and recover in the process.
Vital nutrients which are necessary for muscle tissues repair and building are contained in chicken mostly protein. Protein, through the amino acids present, could also help to alleviate muscle soreness and to decreased muscle breakdown.
On the same note, brown rice supplies digestion-slowing energy and fiber along with B vitamins. Fibre aids digestion as well as stabilises blood glucose levels and B vitamins are helpful in energy metabolism.
2. Quinoa and Black Bean Bowl
Quinoa and black bean bowls are healthy, providing your body with vitamins and nutrients necessary after the workout. They are rich in protein, particularly fiber content but scarce in fat content hence are appropriate to build muscle without concomitant mass.
Quinoa is full of protein needed in plant-base diets and also full of vitamins and minerals that are essential for muscle recuperation. Black beans are also a major source of protein and these beans are also very rich in fiber as well as antioxidants.
3. Strengthened Plain Greek Yogurt with Seasonal Fresh Berries and Honey
Greek yogurt is a protein giant that is even high in casein, which is a slow digesting protein ideal you when you are recovering from your workout session. Coupled with fresh berries and honey it comes out as a delicious meal which will definitely provide energy needed for consistent energy throughout the day.
There is nothing as rich in antioxidants as berries, which is good news for muscles as they they will not be damaged easily. From this point of view, honey is sweet itself so it helps to make the dish even tastier while it has some energy giving properties due to its sugar content.
4. Tuna salad served with crisps of whole grain bread
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A tuna salad on whole grain bread after a workout session will make a great and swift choice. Tuna is rich in protein and omega-three fatty acids particularly important in the building up of muscle; and repair.
Several products contain fiber that helps with digestion process and maintaining a good blood sugar level, especially whole grain bread. The ingredients above meet your goals of taking tasty foods rich in nutrients that assist in quick and efficient muscle recovery in preparation for the next training session in the next day.
5. Cottage Cheese with Pineapple
Desert cottage cheese is another protein food that can be easily digest and full of muscle building amino acids. When combined with natural sugars from the pineapple it makes for a tasty, easy on the tummy snack post work out.
It is also a rich source of an enzyme called bromelain that might help in healing inflammation and sore muscles. This combination is ideal for people who need something to help them recharge after a workout session.
6. Turkey and Avocado Wrap
Turkey and avocado wrap is a perfect meal to take right after workout, it is packed with lean protein and fiber partnered with healthy fats. Turkey is good for protein an important nutrient for muscle build up while avocado contains healthy fats which are important for overall well being of muscles.
This important mineral is also present in large quantities in avocados and is needed for muscle contraction and nerve transmission.. This meal offers the body with all the nutrient it requires to have the energy it deserves and enable the body to function at its highest level.
7. Veggie and Hummus Wrap
A good example of a vegetarian meal one can take after exercise is a veggie and hummus wrap. This may well been designed for athletes, but I believe everybody could do with this wrap in their diet.
Hummus, which is a dip from chickpeas, will add proteins with health fats, vitamins, and minerals from vegetables.
8. Banana and peanut butter smoothie
Banana peanut butter smoothie is an excellent choice of a post workout meal that is very simple to prepare. Muscle groups need potassium and carrying out muscular work requires carbohydrates – both of these can be obtained from bananas. However, peanuts act as good sources of protein and healthy fats which support the heart’s health.
If you drink this smoothie after your workouts you will be drinking the very nutrients your body requires to heal and perform at optimum level.
9. Cottage Cheese with Almonds
I wanted something simple to eat after my workout, but cottage cheese isn’t boring when served with almonds. Almonds also contain lean fats and the vital nutrients that are required to enjoy the best health.
This meal is ideal to those who desire to have a little more change of their meal after working out but are not willing to change his/her protein meals.
10. This salmon recipe is served with sweet potatoes and asparagus making it a perfect dinner recipe.
In order to have a balanced and micro nutrient-dense meal after a workout; salmon with sweet potato and asparagus is a good option. This food type is especially helpful for bodybuilding since it is populated with protein and healthy omega-3 fatty acids that promote muscle building and maintenance, respectively.
The former is rich in fiber and vitamins A & C, the latter is correlated with folic acid, potassium and fiber. This meal is important and balanced in proteins, healthy fats and vitamins and minerals needed in muscle building and repair.
In my opinion, the primary goal for post workout meals is agility, flexibility and the ability to recover muscle tissues and overlap other muscular mechanisms to promote its growth again. The meals mentioned in this article are among some of the healthy foods one can consume after a workout session/ exercise as they recovery much faster, and are of great help as per the plans of the individuals in achieving their fitness goals.
Consumers are advised to make appropriate post workout meals depending with their desire and depending with the intensity and time spent on the workout. If it is just about having the right foods and a good exercise plan, then count yourself to be on the right track to your best fitness.